Hallo Mijn Geweldig Familie!!!
So, like I said last week. I went to Kinderdijk on Monday!! I love P-Day because I get to do things like that!! I learned a lot about how they develop the land here in the Netherlands. Because, you know....most of it should be underwater. And it's not. At first I thought that it was just magic...but it turns out that I was wrong!! It was way cool to learn how they made the dijks here!! Most of them that are still standing are super old....like from when people first started to live here!! It's crazy!! We also learned that if there is ever a storm more than a category 2, that the Netherlands would be in serious trouble because their dijks are not built for that kind of weather. Anyway....the coolest part was seeing the system that they developed to be able to get the water out of the places that they want to live. They have the Molens, or windmills, and they all have different purposes, but most of them here in Nederland are there for the sould purpose of pumping water out of a certain area. So what they would do, is they would first build a dijk and stop the flow of the main river into the area, then, they would build up three or more layers of land with more dijks and canals and they would place molens there to pump the water from one level or canal to the next until it would eventually be emptied into the main river. I think that it is totally amazing!! We went a little too early to be able to go in a tour a molen from the inside....it opens the first of April....but it is still cool!! Most of the molens here are still in operating order and they have people who live beneath them!!! It is super cool and Kinderdijk is amazing because there are like 20 or more in one little area!! I love the Netherlands!!
Also on Monday, we had a super cool dinner appointment. We had an appointment withthe Van Dalin familie(mom, zuster Van Dalin is super cool...and she has a cooking blog where she tries a new recipie every day or so and then reports on it...she is also the public affairs person here and yeah....you should try to look her up if you can!! Because she is teaching me how to cook Dutch food and all of the recipies are there on her website that I want to have when I get home!!) Anyway, at our appointment, they had invited some of their friends who are non-members to join us. We had a delicious Dutch meal and then we had Family Home Evening together. We were in charge of the lesson and for some reason we felt the need to talk about our body is a tempel. It was a really great lesson and Zuster Van Dalin requested that I sing because she had heard things from the Den Haag ward....so I did...and it was a really great experience. The family is now a new set of investigators for the Sijkenisse Elders!! Super cool huh? I thought so!!
I got to go back to Den Haag for a day!!! That was super cool!! It was also really scary because Zuster Raun and I were put on exchanges with each other....the problem is, is that we both speak about the same amount of dutch(like none) and we had four appointments that day all in Dutch!! So that was interesting, but i did get to see Ans Jansen again!! And also Sandra!! My two favorite new members in Den Haag ward!! It was a beautiful thing!! Zuster Raun and I didn't even get lost!! And that is saying something because Den Haag is a big city....and let's be honest....I was really in a fog the entire time I was there and didn't really remember where anything was!! So, that was a cool day!!
We also said goodbye to the Roberts family this week. They are the super cool people who let us live in their house here!! I love them, but they moved back to the United States so that they could be with their family that is there....I guess that is important or something. But I am glad that I am going to be able to see them again when I go home!! They even speak Dutch!! The ward threw a party for them on Wednesday and we had a super cool experience with Thomas that day as well!! We taught him the Plan of Salvation with a bunch of JoVos present. He really love the youth here and is excited to be making friends. But is was super cool to have a lesson with him about the Plan of Salvation because that is what he has had questions about for his whole life. He asked a lot of questions and even got a little emotional because he felt as though we were ansering his questions and calming his fears!! It was a super sweet experience!!
We also had another really cool joint teach this week with the Bishop's wife. I love that woman!! She speaks French and Dutch and English. And our investigoator speaks French. She really was an answer to our prayers!! She helped us out so much!! Her name is Lieke and I have made the decision that one of my children will be named Lieke. One because it is a cool name, and two because if they can be as cool as Lieke Van Wermiskerken....they will get really far in life!! Anyway, we saw a huge miracle with our investigator when she was there. He actually made a real plan to quit smoking and we found out on sunday, that we weren't the only ones following up with him on his progress, but that Lieke had been calling him daily to see how he was doing and how she could help!! So cool!!
I found out that day that Elder Ombach is one super cool guy!! I will have to send you a picture of him!! The coolest thing about him is his laugh and he is now in my district!! I love getting to know the missionaries in our mission so much!! There are so many cool people in the world!!
Yesterday, we went to Gouda again for another baptism that they had down there. Those two missionaries are rock stars!! But what was cool about it was that we had two investigators come and they both felt something supedr special!! I love baptisms!! The Spirit is always so strong and it helps not only me to be strong, but our investigators to feel what they could potentially feel all of the time, if they make the decision to do so!!
Also, we got transfer calls last night. I am staying here in Dordrecht....but Zuster Hinchcliff has been transferred to Amsterdam. My new companion is going to be Zuster Townsend!! I am so way excited!! Here we go for another ride. I don't have to move now...but in two weeks I do because the Roberts are gone they are kicking us out of the house. So....so much for staying in the same city :D
I love being a misisonary!! It's a lot of hard work but it is definitely worth it!!
I love you all!! Tot volgende week!
Zuster Israelsen
It is always so great to read your letters Megan! Your good attitude and love of the people comes through every letter. Thanks for sharing :) Aunt Annette